Divorce Coaches Academy
Divorce Coaches Academy podcast hosts Tracy Callahan and Debra Doak are on a mission. We discuss topics to help professional divorce coaches succeed with clients and meet their business goals and we advocate (loudly sometimes) for the critical role certified divorce coaches play in the alternative dispute resolution process. Our goal is to create a community of divorce coaching professionals committed to reducing the financial and emotional impact of divorce on families.
Divorce Coaches Academy
Divorce Conflict Tip: Stop Expecting Something Different (Plus a Secret You Can Use)
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In this episode we explore the "Big Five" - those core personality traits that tend to be consistent over time and circumstance. PLUS, we share a secret mantra that just may help you and your clients experience less stress when dealing with the difficult people in their lives.
We consistently hear clients express disappointment, frustration, and even rage when their spouse, ex or co-parent doesn’t act or behave in the way they think they should.
And we get it. It’s incredibly distressing to have to be on the receiving end of someone else’s less than stellar behavior. But we have to ask…is this really surprising? While people’s personality traits may get exaggerated during the divorce process, they typically aren’t radically different than the way that spouse behaved during the marriage.
And clients continue to suffer when they continue to expect their partner or co-parent to radically transform during divorce.
Understanding these 5 personality traits can help anyone going through divorce or co-parenting conflict stay grounded in the reality of who their partner is. And that gives them the freedom and agency to decide how to respond.
Learn more about DCA® or any of the classes or events mentioned in this episode at the links below:
Website: www.divorcecoachesacademy.com
Instagram: @divorcecoachesacademy
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Email: DCA@divorcecoachesacademy.com